Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thankful all of the families who are missing their soldier, I am thankful for your family's sacrifice.  I have been there, and it is a bittersweet place to be. You're thankful your soldier is safe, but in the same breath, so empty he or she is gone. I hope that as your families begin to reunite over the next few months, the ache in your heart guides you to never take each other for granted and to always be thankful in everything God has given you. This too shall pass and soon you will be in each other's arms....

There are so many things to be thankful for this year, as there are every year.  I always try so hard to look past the hardships, the disappointments and the obstacles of the past year to see the greatness in every single day my family shares together, and to make this day a memory with our little family.

This year was such a nice kids are getting older.!! Traditions Eric and I have instilled upon our children since they were born are starting to stick, and I'm beginning to see them come alive!  Expectations for the stuffing, the turkey and the pies are all out there with my three.

I do miss when they were little, but I see how fun it is going to get....  I can only imagine the first years when the kids bring a new spouse, or a little angel into our family.  It is years away, I know, but it gives me chills thinking about it.  I love my family and what we mean to one another.

Zachary and Eric are always the turkey guys.  They help brine it the night before, and so far we've never been disappointed (or sick).  I think last year was the only year they didn't because Eric had to travel from Savannah.

It is cold cold that we were able to place the turkey in a covered tub with the brine and veggies and sit it outside all night.  The turkey was awesome.  The gravy, made from the roasted brine veggies, white wine and turkey stock goodness that cooked for over 4 hrs, was perfect.  I didn't add any seasonings at all, only flour to thicken it up, it was seasoned perfectly!

Nicky is the one that keeps me on my toes.  He's constantly asking when this and that will be ready, always reminding me of things I may have overlooked.  And he gives the BEST compliments ever.  As pies come out of the ovens, Nicky is right there to comment on them and give me a hug, with a, "Mommy, I love Thanksgiving!".  The pie could be destroyed and he would find a way to make me feel great about it.

Avery is now becoming pie meister...Her and I are pretty sure we have finally mastered the most perfect Maple Pumpkin pie on Earth.  Every year I play around with this combination of recipes a little more and I think this year was it.....or maybe it was just because I had my sweet Avery by my side!  We made our own pumpkin pie spice,  and we even grated our own nutmeg.  Man...did it make a huge difference!

Here are some pics, and considering we have am extremely cook-unfriendly kitchen, I am so glad it all turned out great.  However, I will admit that I miss my kitchen back in Newnan.

Everyone enjoying the food..... notice my plate is on its way to being empty......

The kids always love this Cranberry Vernors punch, and it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without it.....

Avery made the flower cutouts with pie crust and sanded sugar, and we always have our relish trays to munch on...

We don't have a tremendous amount of room, but we made due!  I sliced the turkey down to the carcass, added some of the broth to this dish, and it was so moist.

Happy Thanksgiving!  I am so thankful for my family and the memories we are blessed with each year!  We missed our stateside family and friends, but know God has them safe and sound until we can all be together again.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Anniversary

20 years ago, Eric and I pledged our vows to each other.  At the young ages of 19 and 20, I am not sure we really comprehended all that marriage would entail or even the deepness of those vows.  We have learned so much from each and with each other.

Every milestone, every event, every hardship and every joy, built the solid foundation we have today.  Our Army life, at times, has provided so much opportunity, and at the same time kept us away from each other, only to make us stronger.  Like any relationship has, we have had our obstacles along the way, but we always have walked hand and hand thru everything we have faced.

If you read my blog, you know I am a believer that God holds our destiny and my faith in Him is endless.....and this morning, I can think back and know that....

I was meant to sit by Eric at that bonfire and he was meant to sit by me.  He was supposed to tell me that hilarious joke, and make us laugh so hard we fell backwards off the bench. I was supposed to feel so embarrassed as he helped me up and I noticed his blue eyes.  He was meant to call me the next day, and here we are 23 years later.

Eric, you are my soul mate, my best friend and the one person I trust with my life. The love we have built, the children we have created, and the life that we live is all I could ever ask for.  I thank God for you everyday, for giving me such a honorable man, someone who values our relationship and family like you do, for being honest, faithful, hardworking and most of all.... just loving me for who I am all these years.

We started out with many people not understanding why we were getting married so young, especially because we didn't have to.  Many doubted we would even make it all. I am sure our parents were more than weary at what our future would hold, but all of them let us go and fly and I am so happy they did.

Who would of known, when my MIL told me that this song reminded her of Eric and I right before our wedding, 20 years ago, that this would really become our story. (on player at the top right)

Happy Anniversary to us, and I love you Eric!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Saturday we went to our old stomping ground, Heidelberg.  We really were hoping some of their Christmas lights would be up.  Their downtown walking district is always so pretty at Christmas.  But we were a little early, everything lights up this coming weekend.

Instead, we went down by the riverfront and got a great picture of the castle at night. I remember walking around this very castle when Zachary was 4 and Nicky was 1 1/2 .  And then a year later, being pregnant with Avery and giving birth to her in Heidelberg.

The castle is always so pretty at night, it is almost majestic.  The light reflects off the river, and even though it is SERIOUSLY cold by the water, it does take your breath away.

I feel blessed having the opportunity to be back in the same place, a place that holds so many memories for my family.  Even though the American base is closing soon, the memories of this town will always be there for us.  I hope my children come back as adults, and relive them with their families.

Just as we were heading back to K-town, we passed Mannheim, our first duty station. It is an industrial city, and as you drive the Autobahn, you cross the huge Rhine River and sitting on the banks is the industrial part of town.  Billowing from the top of the skyline of industry, there is a huge smokestack that has a continuous blue flame.

As Zachary pointed it out to Nic and Avery, I remembered how many times he pointed it out to us as an excited four year old.  He couldn't wait to tell us all about it, each time we passed it. It made me smile, because some things really never do change.

This is what I have come to understand "being blessed" as a family to mean.  It is never going to be about the house you own, the car you drive, the amount of money your family has, the number of sports your child excels in, the newest gadget your child wants, or the trophies that will end up collecting dust on the shelf.

It is going to be the snapshots of your life, your moments together, that make you a family.  These ultimately will become your richest rewards that will leave you always feeling "blessed".

And walking thru Heidelberg, I realized how many "moments" we have been given and how much they really do mean to us.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Congrat's Nicky!

As yesterday's post was dedicated to Avery and all the hard work she has done this year, this post is dedicated to Nicky.

Nicky struggled last year also, but not in the same way as Avery.  His struggle is, has and always will be organization, aka: BOY  His struggle had nothing to do with learning or knowledge of his classes.  He simply isn't organized.

He always struggled with organization, writing neatly and turning in the work he completed, he just couldn't seem to keep track of.  As an example, we had to replace his Mead fabric binder because it busted out in the first couple of months of school from all of his papers and disarray last year. (again, can I say boy)

When we found out we were moving, Nicky told me that this year was going to be different.  I said, "That sounds great, I know you can do it".  And we talked about it alot before school started.  And as an incentive, I told him he could have his XBOX privileges back if he met his goal and choose to do better for himself.

As Eric and I have had this same problem with Zachary in Jr High, I knew that Nicky would find his way and figure it out.  With our support, some gentle nudging, and the always trusty XBOX privilege taken away, I am glad to finally have Nicky set and meet a goal.
                                                                                                                                                                      This report card, he made the Honor Roll and All Stars!  Today we went to the auditorium and watched him receive his award.  Proud Mama here.... and he found out that because he made the "AllStars" , he will get to go to the theater on post next week and watch two movies, eat popcorn and enjoy their hard work during school hours

We are so proud of you Nicky, and we love you so much!  I am happiest that YOU decided that you could do better, and YOU made a change for yourself this year.  Even though you never got "bad" grades last year, you knew you were capable of getting "honor" grades this year.  What a great start to the year!

You make us laugh daily and have the biggest heart and as we have always told you, you ARE the creme between the cookies:) (aka Zach and Avery)

Our family wouldn't be the same without you and you are loved!

And as I know everyone has great kids that get the same type of grades and achievements, I am wanting to blog about this for two reasons.  One, because I am chronicling this into a book at the end of the year, and two, my kids have been thru so much "change" in the last couple of years.  Deployments, moving, Daddy not retiring, etc. I am so proud of all of them because I know we do not have a conventional life (Army), and they didn't ask for this crazy life, but they continue to show us they are strong and resilient.

Congrats Nicky!  And Zachary, your next at the end of this quarter!!

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Awesome Job, Avery!

(This is a long post, so be forewarned)

I am writing this today because at the end of each year, I am going to have the blog made into a book.  I know, it is so cool that you can do this!  So, with this understanding, please understand that this is why this post is so detailed.

To all who know us well, you know that last year was a hard year for Avery in school.  She struggled, and that struggle really crushed her self confidence and spirit.  And everyone knows what a sweetheart Avery is and she is sensitive, just like her Mama.  It isn't the best trait to always have, but it is the trait that God gave both of us, for whatever reason.  It broke my heart to see her struggling, and all year it felt like she could never do enough to get where she needed to be.  Actually, it felt like a knife thru my heart.  There is nothing worse than seeing your child struggle.

Towards the end of the year, her teacher felt she may not pass the required CRCT test in Georgia and recommended holding Avery back in 3rd grade.  That is how bad it was getting for Avery at school.

I have to say that I have always been an advocate for Teachers, they have one of the hardest jobs in the world! I can only imagine everything that gets laid on their shoulders, and how some parents might expect the teacher to raise their child. I applaud all the teachers that go to work each day with open hearts and love what they do and the difference they make in a child's life.  However, this was not the case in Avery's situation.

I think there are some teachers who simply don't connect with their students and don't realize that not everyone learns the same way. Maybe it is a result of a personal cross they are carrying, or that they have grown tired of teaching. I hope that they find their way back to the joy of teaching little minds one day.

That being said, when we were told this, the mama bear in me came out and I was not about to let my child fall thru the cracks in the system.  Eric and I knew what Avery's capabilities were.  I did her homework with her at home and Eric worked on her homework with her. We worked thru her struggles and she would comprehend her homework with us, until the next day after school and she would draw a blank.

At this time, I prayed to God. I prayed so, so, so many times.  Typing this I am in tears because of the maternal instinct that I had that something was not right.  I prayed that God would help me to help Avery understand how smart and wonderful she was, even if she didn't learn things the same way as Teacher X taught them.  That no matter if it took 50 times of going over her times tables, that we would be there for her, and that God was there with her also.

And, God listened.  The day she took CRCT's, we had a long talk before school and I told her to pray to God when she found herself struggling and her angels would help her work thru the CRCT test.

She passed the CRCT, and scored a little lower than she should have on the Math portion. But it didn't matter, because Reading was the requirement to pass, and she had passed.  Had I just listened to her teacher, instead of the inner voice that God gave me, she would be repeating the 3rd grade.  We firmly stood our ground and made sure that everyone understood Avery was not going to repeat 3rd grade.

We had just found out about Eric not retiring and that we would be headed back to Germany, but somehow inside I knew she would be OK coming to the Dept of Defense schools.

As a secondary precaution, and more to prove to all involved that we knew our child best, we had Avery tested for a learning disability this summer before we left.  It was a three day testing by a Neuropsychologist.

The findings were clear, she was found to NOT to have a learning disability and NOT ADD.  They did feel she had an anxiety issue, and hmmmm, wonder why? After the year she had, please, don't even get me started.....  My child had a crushed spirit at age 9.

So, Avery, sweetie, this post is for you.  Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you, for who you are, what is in your heart and the wonderful gifts God has given you!  You are so smart, so creative, so honest and there is absolutely nothing that can stop you from being whatever you want to be in this life, with God as your compass.

You are a blessing to all of us, and I am so happy for you! God is showing you that he made you just as you are and that when you trusted in him, he didn't forsake you.

Look at these grades!!  All A's and B's!!  This post is for you, so that years from now, when you have overcome your struggles, you know how proud you made us, but most importantly how proud you should be of yourself.  We love you sweet cheeks!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Slow Sunday

Today was a rare Sunday that we are not out the door at an early hour for Church and the kids PREP.  This  Veterans Day Weekend, we have no PREP, so we can go to a later Mass.

It was so nice to wake up, make some coffee and have time to make these delicious Pecan Raisin Sticky Buns.  Grouped with a egg omelet, O.J and some German bacon, it was a nice change for the family.

Now that we are all fat and happy, we can lazily enjoy the day and go to Church at 5 pm.

The recipe for these yummy buns are under "Brown Bakes", or go to:

Coming soon, I will share my trials and tribulations of baking in my German kitchen.  Coming from someone who loves to bake, create and try new recipes, it has been a challenge.  I will leave you with this little hint, "elf size".

Enjoy God's day today and thank him for your slow Sunday!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Christmas Wishes (for g-parents)

post signatureI had the kids put together a big wish list together as requested and posted it under each of their pages.  Hopefully something on their list will help you gather an idea of what you would like to get them.  If you want me to remove something because you find it, just email so it won't be duplicated.  I scrambled their lists and reworded as much as I could, so they have no way of telling what has been taken off.

They expect none of it, and will be surprised and elated with any of it.....As we always have, we stress what Christmas is really about, and the kids have never been "gift mongers"! We will be focusing on saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS" as much as we can this year....not the politically correct Happy Holidays and giving as much as we can!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

Nicky and Avery had a great time trick or treating last night.  Kudos to the Vogelweh Military Housing Residents for going all out, even when most of us don't even live in the housing.

Last night was also bittersweet, because I know one more of my kiddos is leaving a childhood tradition behind.  It will probably be Nicky's last year of trick or treating, he made sure we knew that all night. Caught between a little boy and soon to be 13, it is a hard place to be.  The past two or three years, it has felt odd not to have Zachary with us.  And now, we will be stepping into that feeling with Nicky next year.  This Mom feels old, sad, proud and excited for everything he has coming his way as he enters this new stage of growing up.

 IF, by chance, he does decide to go next year......the decision will be purely financial.

Let me tell you about my Nicky.  He is the only child I know that comes home, divides up his "earnings", separates his "goods" , keeps what he likes and requests that I buy snack size Ziplocs as soon as possible.  He then creates gift bags and sells them at school when everyone has exhausted their candy supply, oh, in about two weeks.  Starting in first grade, when he was selling campfire starters at school, this kid has GOT to be an entrepreneur.

So, next year, maybe he will go, for all the wrong reasons, but it will be OK with me.

In 2004, I started using Picassa to hold my digitals.  Anything earlier than that, is a hardcopy photo still at the house in Newnan.  But I was able to find these two cute pics in my Picassa files.....
Look at these cuties, Peter Pan, Disney Princess and Hot Cars Racer
And below, the year StarWars was everything to my boys, and Avery as the cutest little Cheerleader!

Fast forward 8 years, and Nicky went as "Daddy" and Avery was again the "Snow Princess".  Halloween creeped up on us this year, and one of the bad things about being overseas at Halloween is that you can buy your costume at the PX, which has a limited, overpriced selection and see about 100 kids with the same costume.  Or, you can order it online, like we have done in the past.  But with moving and unpacking, we just didn't give ourselves enough time. Forgive the Iphone blurriness, I just didn't want to carry my Nikon around all night.

Notice that Nicky had no interest in his trick or treat bag, that Avery has.  He came prepared for his earnings, using his pillowcase!