Sunday, November 11, 2012

Slow Sunday

Today was a rare Sunday that we are not out the door at an early hour for Church and the kids PREP.  This  Veterans Day Weekend, we have no PREP, so we can go to a later Mass.

It was so nice to wake up, make some coffee and have time to make these delicious Pecan Raisin Sticky Buns.  Grouped with a egg omelet, O.J and some German bacon, it was a nice change for the family.

Now that we are all fat and happy, we can lazily enjoy the day and go to Church at 5 pm.

The recipe for these yummy buns are under "Brown Bakes", or go to:

Coming soon, I will share my trials and tribulations of baking in my German kitchen.  Coming from someone who loves to bake, create and try new recipes, it has been a challenge.  I will leave you with this little hint, "elf size".

Enjoy God's day today and thank him for your slow Sunday!

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