Saturday, November 10, 2012

Christmas Wishes (for g-parents)

post signatureI had the kids put together a big wish list together as requested and posted it under each of their pages.  Hopefully something on their list will help you gather an idea of what you would like to get them.  If you want me to remove something because you find it, just email so it won't be duplicated.  I scrambled their lists and reworded as much as I could, so they have no way of telling what has been taken off.

They expect none of it, and will be surprised and elated with any of it.....As we always have, we stress what Christmas is really about, and the kids have never been "gift mongers"! We will be focusing on saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS" as much as we can this year....not the politically correct Happy Holidays and giving as much as we can!

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