Sunday, November 18, 2012


Saturday we went to our old stomping ground, Heidelberg.  We really were hoping some of their Christmas lights would be up.  Their downtown walking district is always so pretty at Christmas.  But we were a little early, everything lights up this coming weekend.

Instead, we went down by the riverfront and got a great picture of the castle at night. I remember walking around this very castle when Zachary was 4 and Nicky was 1 1/2 .  And then a year later, being pregnant with Avery and giving birth to her in Heidelberg.

The castle is always so pretty at night, it is almost majestic.  The light reflects off the river, and even though it is SERIOUSLY cold by the water, it does take your breath away.

I feel blessed having the opportunity to be back in the same place, a place that holds so many memories for my family.  Even though the American base is closing soon, the memories of this town will always be there for us.  I hope my children come back as adults, and relive them with their families.

Just as we were heading back to K-town, we passed Mannheim, our first duty station. It is an industrial city, and as you drive the Autobahn, you cross the huge Rhine River and sitting on the banks is the industrial part of town.  Billowing from the top of the skyline of industry, there is a huge smokestack that has a continuous blue flame.

As Zachary pointed it out to Nic and Avery, I remembered how many times he pointed it out to us as an excited four year old.  He couldn't wait to tell us all about it, each time we passed it. It made me smile, because some things really never do change.

This is what I have come to understand "being blessed" as a family to mean.  It is never going to be about the house you own, the car you drive, the amount of money your family has, the number of sports your child excels in, the newest gadget your child wants, or the trophies that will end up collecting dust on the shelf.

It is going to be the snapshots of your life, your moments together, that make you a family.  These ultimately will become your richest rewards that will leave you always feeling "blessed".

And walking thru Heidelberg, I realized how many "moments" we have been given and how much they really do mean to us.

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