Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Congrat's Nicky!

As yesterday's post was dedicated to Avery and all the hard work she has done this year, this post is dedicated to Nicky.

Nicky struggled last year also, but not in the same way as Avery.  His struggle is, has and always will be organization, aka: BOY  His struggle had nothing to do with learning or knowledge of his classes.  He simply isn't organized.

He always struggled with organization, writing neatly and turning in the work he completed, he just couldn't seem to keep track of.  As an example, we had to replace his Mead fabric binder because it busted out in the first couple of months of school from all of his papers and disarray last year. (again, can I say boy)

When we found out we were moving, Nicky told me that this year was going to be different.  I said, "That sounds great, I know you can do it".  And we talked about it alot before school started.  And as an incentive, I told him he could have his XBOX privileges back if he met his goal and choose to do better for himself.

As Eric and I have had this same problem with Zachary in Jr High, I knew that Nicky would find his way and figure it out.  With our support, some gentle nudging, and the always trusty XBOX privilege taken away, I am glad to finally have Nicky set and meet a goal.
                                                                                                                                                                      This report card, he made the Honor Roll and All Stars!  Today we went to the auditorium and watched him receive his award.  Proud Mama here.... and he found out that because he made the "AllStars" , he will get to go to the theater on post next week and watch two movies, eat popcorn and enjoy their hard work during school hours

We are so proud of you Nicky, and we love you so much!  I am happiest that YOU decided that you could do better, and YOU made a change for yourself this year.  Even though you never got "bad" grades last year, you knew you were capable of getting "honor" grades this year.  What a great start to the year!

You make us laugh daily and have the biggest heart and as we have always told you, you ARE the creme between the cookies:) (aka Zach and Avery)

Our family wouldn't be the same without you and you are loved!

And as I know everyone has great kids that get the same type of grades and achievements, I am wanting to blog about this for two reasons.  One, because I am chronicling this into a book at the end of the year, and two, my kids have been thru so much "change" in the last couple of years.  Deployments, moving, Daddy not retiring, etc. I am so proud of all of them because I know we do not have a conventional life (Army), and they didn't ask for this crazy life, but they continue to show us they are strong and resilient.

Congrats Nicky!  And Zachary, your next at the end of this quarter!!

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1 comment:

  1. You are a rock star Nicky!! We're proud of you..
    Keep up the godd work..
    We love you..
    Gma and Gpa Challender
