Saturday, March 29, 2014

Nicky's Minecraft Party

Before we left for our stateside trip, Nicky planned a gaming party with his buddies down in the basement.

I was so glad he did this, because Nic has always been the kid who really didn't want a party, doesn't like to be the center of attention (unless he is cracking a joke) and definately doesn't want to open gifts in front of others.  So year after year, we would talk about having a party, but he would hem haw back and forth and then decide not to.

This year though, he has a great group of "gaming" friends. He has created a server and they get on each night after school and build and chat.  Innocent fun, and Nic's thing is definately computers.

Avery and I decorated for the little get together. Here are some last minute photos. We didn't get any pics when his friends were here, which I wish I would have. But I was packing, and really I am sure a bunch of 14 year old boys didn't want a Mom down there saying "cheezzzzzz".   

He had a great party and a fun time with his friends!

Avery decorated the wall and colored these Minecraft letters

Nic had 8 boys downstairs working two TV's with gaming on each

Designed by Avery

Big Cookie request, this was destroyed.  8 boys= GONE

Eric made the water labels again, as "fuel" for the build

Nic making sure it was set up just right

Avery did a great job helping her big brother, who may also be her best buddy

Thursday, March 27, 2014

14 years ago today.....

My sweet Nicky.  Happy 14th Birthday.

I had so many things to say, but then read last years birthday blog and realized I probably would be writing the same sentiments.  Because, I guess, some things never change. You have always and will always be my sweet Nicky.  Just a few virtues for your 14 year old self...

1.  I want to tell you what a good husband and father I know your going to be.  It is a long way off from now, but I have a feeling it will be here sooner than your Dad or I am ready for. I already see the way you balance your witty sense of humor with your sensitive heart.  Those are two traits that someday I know your wife will love about you.

2. I want to tell you how proud we are of you!  I wouldn't ever change one single thing about you. Your not perfect in this world, and you will never be perfect in others eyes, but to me you will always be "my perfect". All the hardships, the mistakes, the trails you will endure in your life will never change what your Dad and I see when we look at you, and that is perfection. A perfect combination of both of us, a life that our love created together.

3. I want you to know I pray always that God protects you, keeps you centered, and that you always find your way to him when you need too.

4.  I want to tell you that your getting too tall, almost as tall as me.  You need to stop, because your arms don't wrap around my waist for a hug anymore, they wrap around my shoulders.  They are stronger hugs, loves you said with a deeper you can stop now growing now:)

5. I want you to know that the day you were born, I felt such appreciation for you.  You won't understand until you someday have children, but just know that you were one of my greatest accomplishments in life and the greatest gift from God. You can't understand what it means that he gave your Dad and I this beautiful gift of raising you into such a good young man.

6.  I want to tell you that not everything will always feel good as you grow up. It is OK to ride the roller coaster, and learn from the lows, so that when you are on the highs you appreciate all the grace God has given you so much more.

7. I want to tell you that when you need to talk, Dad and I are always here for you, and that will never change.

8. I want to tell you when your teacher told you what a cutie you were, she wasn't kidding.  Your eyes sparkle and your smile is contagious.

9. I want to tell you that when you were little, you were really concerned with what you would do in Heaven all day and you were afraid it would be boring and I told you to ask God about it.

10.  I want to tell you that when you were 2, I used to sing the "Blues Clues" jingle to you to put you to sleep.  Someday, you will see an old re-run and hear "We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter, wonder who it's from?  And when you hear it, I hope you smile.

11.  I want to tell you that as I type this, I can still hear your little voice saying "I don't know Mommy, who is da letta from?"

12.  I want to tell you keep your heart close to God Nicky, it will always strengthen you even when you think you "got it".

13. I want to tell you that when you were in third grade, you loved the Titanic and Powerpoint, and you made a PowerPoint slide show for your class.

14.  I want to tell you that you make us smile every day, every single day for the past 14 years.  And even though you want (need) to be called Nic now, you will always be Tricky Nicky to us.

Happy Birthday! We love you!

Nicky loved this mini fridge and we stocked it with milk for him!  Zachary was trying to photo bomb and succeeded, lol.

The boys being dorks.

Yummy German Chocolate of course!

I hope I see more of this as they get older!

This was "one" calm moment of the night.

Eric really loved this bag he got Nicky from IKEA, its a very cool zip out design for your computer.

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Paris Part 2

One of the things I love about Europe in general is the old school mentality of open air markets.

When Eric and I were in Italy, we used to go to the market on Sundays and it was one of the experiences I will always remember. There is something to be said about "community" that you find at the open air markets.

Paris was no exception and this was my favorite part of the trip. I literally could spend hours walking around the markets, and if I lived there, I am not sure I would ever even step foot in a regular store. You can find everything you need.

If you ever watch Food Network (which is one indulgence I miss being overseas), Ina Garten of Barefoot Contessa did a highlight of Paris on her show.  It was quite a few years back, but even watching it on TV I was intrigued by the market.  I loved the fact I was standing in this market, the same one she highlighted on her show.  In fact, it may even be the same formagio (cheese) vendor she used in her show.

The kids favorite thing in the market was the Crepe maker. This probably goes back to one of Zachary and Nic's only memories of visiting Paris when they were little. Zachary talked about his strawberry crepe for a long time after that trip.  There is definitely an art to crepe making, and the Europeans have the technique down perfectly!

A second favorite of the trip was watching the kids around the Eiffel Tower.  Once we walked a gazillion miles there, it was such a relief for them to just "check it out".  The only damper is the gypsy, who I must say are overly aggressive, and really irritating.

It goes something like this, your "admiring" the tower, and someone walks up to you with a clipboard and ask if you speak English.  Eric fell for it the first time, and realized what they wanted. The next time, he played dumb and said "Spreche sie Duetsch, bitte?" and they just walked away.

Zachary got to the point where they would come up to him and he would answer in French, in a irritated tone. They would just walk away.  Finally the Police came and shooed them all away.  We were able to find a bench under the Eiffel and eat ham and cheese banquettes.  As we were leaving, the group returned.

Here are some candid shots from our trip.....

Fresh flowers are always a staple at the market,even here in Wiesbaden.

You can't get much fresher than this, and this is where they get their produce daily

Really they were just in awe watching the dynamic of the marketplace

My favorite, olives!

Crepe maker extrodinaire

These chickens smelled so good!

Fresh bread always

This is the formagio vendor I think Barefoot Contessa may have highlighted

Very proud of their produce

A cool picture of the bridge with locks, Zachary taking it all in

Love this "cheek shot" of Nicky

Finally a break from the gypsy clan


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Happy 17th

Honestly, I feel I took one step ahead 17 years today.

Next weekend he is having some friends over, but today he wanted low key.  On the menu, Banana Cake with Cream Cheese frosting (this was the bomb), grilled salmon, fettucine with scallops and jasmine rice with peas.  All Zachary's favorites!

Happy Birthday Zachary. We love you and are so proud of you, even with this teenage brain that is sometimes moody and irritable:)

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Paris, part 1

I know, I know, way behind posting these.  I just really need to re-group now that classes are over!

Luckily I decided to break up the massive number of pictures we took on this trip into "parts".

So to explain, two things you must understand about the following pics:

1.  We already have been to Paris back in 2002 when I was hugely pregnant for Avery and Zach and Nicky were just little boys.  We did the touristy tour of Paris then and have all of the touristy pictures you could imagine.

2.  My pictures are truly my memories.  I look back at all the pictures Eric and I took while we were "childless" in Savannah and Italy. Most of them are of buildings of Italy. I don't want that when we take trips with the kids. I want to someday look back at a picture with them and laugh at what was going on "behind the scenes", because there is ALWAYS a behind the scenes to pictures, good or bad.

So, understanding that....this is are Part 1 of our Paris trip. I am not doing this in any order and just randomly pulled out some pics I wanted to post today.

A brief synopsis, we took the "ICE" train to Paris for my 41st birthday, and arrived in just under 2 hours and some change. This was a trip to just spend the day walking, no expectations, no museum lines, no walking tours to follow. I just wanted to "be" in Paris for a day.

It was a great day, that I felt, particularly in my legs, for many, many days after, but I wouldn't change a thing!

The boys "smelling" the river ahead.

Just always so happy to "be" with her family and talk about all the things we were seeing as we walked

I love these pictures of Zachary, he rarely lets me take photos of him these days with him "knowing".

Another pic of goofing off along one of the many miles we walked this day!

Only a 5th grader can pull off pants rolled up at the ankles, christmas red reindeer socks, and blue and green plaid sperrys, all with a aqua rain coat and still look so cute!

Can't beat this candid shot!

Nic wants nothing more than to be best buddies and Zachary couldn't be more annoyed.
I hope this changes as they both get older!

No matter what, Nic always loves his Daddy.

We were seriously trying to pull off "holding up" the Eifel Tower but the sun was so bright I couldn't tell if in my camera if it turned out until we got on the train that night. Nic was bummed, but the picture is still cute!

We forgot our lock, with our name engraved on it, so I pulled out my sharpie. Maybe one of the kids will find this someday on their Honeymoon?
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