Monday, March 17, 2014

Paris Part 2

One of the things I love about Europe in general is the old school mentality of open air markets.

When Eric and I were in Italy, we used to go to the market on Sundays and it was one of the experiences I will always remember. There is something to be said about "community" that you find at the open air markets.

Paris was no exception and this was my favorite part of the trip. I literally could spend hours walking around the markets, and if I lived there, I am not sure I would ever even step foot in a regular store. You can find everything you need.

If you ever watch Food Network (which is one indulgence I miss being overseas), Ina Garten of Barefoot Contessa did a highlight of Paris on her show.  It was quite a few years back, but even watching it on TV I was intrigued by the market.  I loved the fact I was standing in this market, the same one she highlighted on her show.  In fact, it may even be the same formagio (cheese) vendor she used in her show.

The kids favorite thing in the market was the Crepe maker. This probably goes back to one of Zachary and Nic's only memories of visiting Paris when they were little. Zachary talked about his strawberry crepe for a long time after that trip.  There is definitely an art to crepe making, and the Europeans have the technique down perfectly!

A second favorite of the trip was watching the kids around the Eiffel Tower.  Once we walked a gazillion miles there, it was such a relief for them to just "check it out".  The only damper is the gypsy, who I must say are overly aggressive, and really irritating.

It goes something like this, your "admiring" the tower, and someone walks up to you with a clipboard and ask if you speak English.  Eric fell for it the first time, and realized what they wanted. The next time, he played dumb and said "Spreche sie Duetsch, bitte?" and they just walked away.

Zachary got to the point where they would come up to him and he would answer in French, in a irritated tone. They would just walk away.  Finally the Police came and shooed them all away.  We were able to find a bench under the Eiffel and eat ham and cheese banquettes.  As we were leaving, the group returned.

Here are some candid shots from our trip.....

Fresh flowers are always a staple at the market,even here in Wiesbaden.

You can't get much fresher than this, and this is where they get their produce daily

Really they were just in awe watching the dynamic of the marketplace

My favorite, olives!

Crepe maker extrodinaire

These chickens smelled so good!

Fresh bread always

This is the formagio vendor I think Barefoot Contessa may have highlighted

Very proud of their produce

A cool picture of the bridge with locks, Zachary taking it all in

Love this "cheek shot" of Nicky

Finally a break from the gypsy clan


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