Sunday, March 16, 2014

Paris, part 1

I know, I know, way behind posting these.  I just really need to re-group now that classes are over!

Luckily I decided to break up the massive number of pictures we took on this trip into "parts".

So to explain, two things you must understand about the following pics:

1.  We already have been to Paris back in 2002 when I was hugely pregnant for Avery and Zach and Nicky were just little boys.  We did the touristy tour of Paris then and have all of the touristy pictures you could imagine.

2.  My pictures are truly my memories.  I look back at all the pictures Eric and I took while we were "childless" in Savannah and Italy. Most of them are of buildings of Italy. I don't want that when we take trips with the kids. I want to someday look back at a picture with them and laugh at what was going on "behind the scenes", because there is ALWAYS a behind the scenes to pictures, good or bad.

So, understanding that....this is are Part 1 of our Paris trip. I am not doing this in any order and just randomly pulled out some pics I wanted to post today.

A brief synopsis, we took the "ICE" train to Paris for my 41st birthday, and arrived in just under 2 hours and some change. This was a trip to just spend the day walking, no expectations, no museum lines, no walking tours to follow. I just wanted to "be" in Paris for a day.

It was a great day, that I felt, particularly in my legs, for many, many days after, but I wouldn't change a thing!

The boys "smelling" the river ahead.

Just always so happy to "be" with her family and talk about all the things we were seeing as we walked

I love these pictures of Zachary, he rarely lets me take photos of him these days with him "knowing".

Another pic of goofing off along one of the many miles we walked this day!

Only a 5th grader can pull off pants rolled up at the ankles, christmas red reindeer socks, and blue and green plaid sperrys, all with a aqua rain coat and still look so cute!

Can't beat this candid shot!

Nic wants nothing more than to be best buddies and Zachary couldn't be more annoyed.
I hope this changes as they both get older!

No matter what, Nic always loves his Daddy.

We were seriously trying to pull off "holding up" the Eifel Tower but the sun was so bright I couldn't tell if in my camera if it turned out until we got on the train that night. Nic was bummed, but the picture is still cute!

We forgot our lock, with our name engraved on it, so I pulled out my sharpie. Maybe one of the kids will find this someday on their Honeymoon?
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1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, and even though it doesn't look like Nic is holding up the Eifel tower, it does look like he's a giant leaning his hand on the side of it. haha.. Very cool pictures of Zach...very GQ.. Nic is turning into a very handsome dude and as always, Avery looks as pretty and sweet as she is... and ps... Jess and Mike used to fight all the time, but look at them now.. Best friends :o) Zach and Nic will be there one day, too....
