Saturday, March 29, 2014

Nicky's Minecraft Party

Before we left for our stateside trip, Nicky planned a gaming party with his buddies down in the basement.

I was so glad he did this, because Nic has always been the kid who really didn't want a party, doesn't like to be the center of attention (unless he is cracking a joke) and definately doesn't want to open gifts in front of others.  So year after year, we would talk about having a party, but he would hem haw back and forth and then decide not to.

This year though, he has a great group of "gaming" friends. He has created a server and they get on each night after school and build and chat.  Innocent fun, and Nic's thing is definately computers.

Avery and I decorated for the little get together. Here are some last minute photos. We didn't get any pics when his friends were here, which I wish I would have. But I was packing, and really I am sure a bunch of 14 year old boys didn't want a Mom down there saying "cheezzzzzz".   

He had a great party and a fun time with his friends!

Avery decorated the wall and colored these Minecraft letters

Nic had 8 boys downstairs working two TV's with gaming on each

Designed by Avery

Big Cookie request, this was destroyed.  8 boys= GONE

Eric made the water labels again, as "fuel" for the build

Nic making sure it was set up just right

Avery did a great job helping her big brother, who may also be her best buddy

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