Friday, February 14, 2014

What's been going on.....

A quick photo drop of some things that have been going on in our life since we last posted.....

Eric got Avery and I white roses, our favorite.
 I have never been a fan of red roses, but white, oh so pretty and pure!

Avery and I made these adorable Valentines for her class. Each one had a marshmallow, 2 chocolates and graham crackers. I found the printable on pinterest, but can't remember what site it was.

Large chocolate chip cookie for 5th grade class, ummm, yumm!

Nelson, in his winter jacket.  He is starting to look more like a dotsie and less like a puppy!
(Please don't mind the font, I didn't have time to fix it on the picture!)

A quick ride in our neighborhood (see the German stairwell housing behind)

I just love this picture of Avery for some reason! Potato soup and carrot cake, that was her birthday dinner choice!  

Eric taking pics for his next Quick Trips story

We were behind this car, and LOOK!  It's ERB!

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1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures. The roses are beautiful... The treats look delicious... Nelson is a cutie patutie... Is that Avery on the bike or Nic? Love the color of the bike.. All the pictures are neat! I was trying to figure out if the WH80 on the license plate had any connection.. hmmmm....Can't think of anything..Potato soup and carrot cake..funny..And Eric hard at work, but no snow??? Do you guys actually have NO snow?? Happy Valentines Day you guys :o)
    We Love You All
