Thursday, February 13, 2014

Graphic Design Class

This post is about just me, which feels weird!  I will actually be done with my BA this year. It has taken me 7 years (since we moved to GA in 2006) to complete it. I took about 4 years off and I did classes here and there, but first and foremost being a Mom and Wife always have meant more to me.  I still have dreams of finishing Le Cordon Bleu and I will someday, but until that door opens for me, I will continue to work towards bettering myself and for me, that is completing this degree.

My Major is Graphic Design.  In the bigger scheme of things....everything that I enjoy, cakes, cooking , decorating and baking all comes together in a big melting pot because I just like to create.  I can't do cakes here because of the German laws in our state we live in, so I might as well keep using my brain to figure new stuff out. Along with this class, I am taking German and Adv Bus Writing.

So some wondered what this class is about and what I am doing in it.  Here is my first assignment. This is not a picture you would put in your house. This was an exercise in creating what is called a Matte Painting. Basically, taking more than one photo, and creating a picture that looks as if they all belong together. We do this by using the Photoshop brushes and textures. It really was about everyone learning how to move around in Photoshop.

Luckily for me, Eric showed me the basics along time ago, but this was a fun assignment that ended with an A.  I took two photos (as labeled below) two stock photos from the Internet and combined them to be the end picture. Enjoy!

Stock Photo

Photo I took while visiting Lake Konstanz on the Germany/Switzerland border.

Another stock photo

This was Westminster Catholic Church in London, love this picture because the kids are sitting on the left hand stairs and the old car is pretty neat looking.

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  1. That is really neat looking!! Your class sounds very fun :o)

  2. Earning your BA is such a life accomplishment! An even bigger accomplishment when you factor in being a wife, a mom and world traveler making earning that degree all the more difficult. How great! Your kids and hubby are no doubt very proud of you and you should be proud of yourself!! :)
