Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tae Kwon KICK!!

Nicholas and Avery have been adamantly practicing their Tae Kwon Do to move to the next belt level.

That means there are always "urgghhhhsss", "huuuuuhuuuus", double kicks and flipping twist happening around here.

They are both taking it pretty seriously, and they are both doing great in it! However, they are not lacking in sibling rivalry and have a serious bet going to see who will make their yellow belt first.  Whoever it is, the other one picks up their after school chores for a month.  I think it is hilarious!

With Avery in Girl Scouts and Nicholas in computer programming, three practices a week of Tae Kwon Do is pretty much all we can handle right now, but we are so enjoying watching them grow in this sport. doesn't hurt that I know both of them will be able to protect themselves if ever needed!

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Explanation of a technique, Nic and Avery are still white belts, but you can see the advanced kids go up in belt colors.

In serious training here! Master Seo really didn't seem to thrilled, but you can tell he loves teaching the kids!

This is their goodbye, where Master Seo tells them how they did and what they should focus on.

This is Avery on the first day of class, it is funny because she "thought" this might be a move she would learn:)
(Don't mind the frames on the wall, we had just hung everything and still needed to add photos to them!)


  1. Nic, I don't think I've ever seen you looking quite so serious looking :o) You seem to have taken yet another growth spurt! Zach better watch out, you'll be as tall as him before he knows it...
    Avery, you're lookin good!!! Remind me to never come in for a hug without warning. haha...
    Love you guys.. Gma and Gpa

  2. They look GOOD! What happens if they both get yellow the same night? Start to bet on the orange belt?haha Keep it up guys!
