Thursday, November 14, 2013

Summer in Bavaria

After our move, and surviving a week in the hotel, Eric and I decided to surprise the kids on a Friday and pick them up early from school.

We had, after the simple craziness of moving again after only a year, decided that the "fam" just needed a break.

We headed to Garmisch-Partikirchen, which has become a favorite vacation spot of the kids since our first trip with them in 2009.  Eric and I actually visited Garmisch way back in 1995 and stayed at the old General Patton hotel.  Now there is a beautiful resort named Edelweiss, and it is truly a place many Military families call home while stationed in Europe.

We took the kids to the top of the Zugspitz, something they have wanted to do forever!  I will post those pics tomorrow......Along with spending the day at the top of a crazy high snow covered mountain in August, we also just hiked, chilled and enjoyed the absolute fairytale surroundings that Garmisch provides.

We have so many pictures from this weekend, but these are a few of my favorites!  First, I thought I would give you a glimpse at the trip down there, which is about 4.5 hours, then a few pics from our hike.
This is me, usually taking as many pics as I can hoping some will turn out!

This is where we go thru Austria just for a few minutes.

So many tunnels in Germany

About an hour away from Garmisch, everyone starts getting excited when we see the Castle on the hill

The beauty is just overwhelming sometimes

Almost every house in Germany in this region are adorned with flowers like these. They take great pride in their German houses.

Starting to get anxious and goofy

Avery loves to feel the wind on her face, I usually have to tell her to get her head back in the window!

The FAM getting ready to hike the riverside,!

Love this picture of Avery

This picture makes me melt. Nicky is the sweetest, funniest kid. I took this with my IPhone and it is so cool how the beam of sunlight just matches his shirt completely!

We could barely drag these two out of the creek to head back.

Putting things into perspective, this picture represents so many things for me and how old Zachary is getting.

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