Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My 10 pounder

Nicholas, today you turn 13. I am not sure just how we got here so fast... It seems like just yesterday you were that sweet three year old stuffing Daddy's socks into one "Daddy" sock because you missed him so much during deployment.

I remember so well how long you took to get here!  I was almost two weeks late for you, and they thought you "might" be 9lbs. They were a little off...  When you finally decided to come into this world, you took your time getting here as you were my longest labor.  You surprised us all being 10 lbs, 13 oz.  You sweet little chunk!

Your Dad and I laugh now at how mad you were at the nurse who was taking your vitals. It is so much your personality, so needing to do things in your time.  And then when she gave you to me, you went right to sleep, and as we all know, you have always been the best sleeper.

I was quite swollen by the time you arrived, and thank goodness for Daddy, who took care of you that week while I was still bed ridden from a spinal headache.  Had it not been for him, I am not sure how I would have managed.

It wasn't hard for him though, you were so easy to take care of and you had such a sweet personality.  I never thought your Dad could feel as much love as he did when Zachary was born, but I saw it again the day you were born. You two were always like two magnets, and still to this day you have a bond so special. You get your Dad and he gets you. I was in love with you long before you got here, when you used to respond to me while I was pregnant talking to you by doing somersaults. You were the only baby that responded like that. I felt so blessed to have my two boys, two gifts from heaven.

Your name was originally going to be Trace Nicholas, but Zachary was very adamant that you were NIC-O-NESS.  I couldn't imagine you anything other than that once you got here.

Great Gramma Brown asked me once if we would call you Nicky, and ended up and you will always be our tricky Nicky as Daddy calls you.

As I don't have all your pictures here in Germany, I had to make do, but these are some of the cutest pics we have.  You were always such a happy baby, but you were a Mommas boy for a long time. I will always treasure how close you loved being by me, and how hard it was for me to go back to work while you were a baby.

I used to spend my lunch hours at the Daycare center rocking you and feeding you. After six months, I couldn't take it anymore and decided to stay home, it was the best decision I ever made.  When I would have to lay you in the crib and leave, it used to tear my heart out.  I would often cry going back to work, and I am so glad God made it possible for me to stay at home after that.

Looking at these pictures makes happy and sad at the same time.  You are becoming such a good boy, your so much deeper than most 13 year old, and you always have been. Your sensitive like me and you hoot like your Dad. Someday, you will make an awesome husband because your heart is so pure.

As we have always told you, you are the "creme" between the cookies "Zachary and Avery" and our family wouldn't be the same without you!  Happy 13th Birthday Nicky!

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

From Zach

A thanks for all the birthday gifts and cards.....from Zachary

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Zachary...and Katy Perry?

So in conclusion of Zachary's birthday weekend, overall I think he had a great 16th birthday.  He opened presents on Sat morning and had a pancake breakfast.  Saturday night he had some friends over for tacos and movies in the basement for about 4 hours.  Like Newnan, he has a great group of friends and they are very content just hanging out, watching movies, listening to music.......and EATING.

I made 2lbs of  seasoned taco meat with green chilies, tomatoes and lots of cumin, it smelled so good.  Our family of five usually eats about 1lb of taco meat for one dinner.  I was blown away that six kids could take out a crockpot of taco meat,G'ma Julies Velveeta dip, 2 bags of chips and oranges and strawberries.  They drank about a case of Vernors and Sierra Mist combined.  When the party was over Eric was looking so forward to making some nachos, and the meat was gone, it was hilarious, you should of seen his face!  He was in disbelief.......

You may be wondering why Zachary didn't have a sweet 16 cake, from his Mom who is a cake decorator?  Zachary hasn't really been a cake person since about 7th grade when he decided to take one of my extra cakes made during weekend orders and eat the entire 9x13, unknown to me.  I just can't understand why he doesn't like cake anymore, could he be sick of it?  

So, because of that, he usually requests a cherry trifle on his birthday. He had one with his friends......and oh yeah, they devoured that too!

So, even though Zachary doesn't really like cake, Avery and I still made him a chocolate buttermilk cake for Sunday dinner, because he does still like coca cola cake and a dense chocolate cake, but not with much frosting.

 We wanted to do something funny, because when we were talking about a cake with him last week, he jokingly said he would like a Katy Perry cake.  Ohhh, have I mentioned he has a HUGE crush on Ms. Katy? Eric and I are still pretty cheesy when it comes to doing funny things for the kids, so we crafted this idea up.

As a Mom, she definitely does not represent everything I want my son to be morally, but I figure in a world of drugs and drugs and drugs, and alcohol abuse.....I will pick my battles if I don't exactly think she is always morally correct.

That being said, and Eric being the photoshop king, we crafted up this funny Rolling Stones cover, and put it on his cake.  He got a big kick out of it, and he is hanging a copy in his room!  We didn't get a picture of the cake before it got cut, so here is the "cover".  By the way, Zachary is taking John Mayer's place in this picture, lol!

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

This morning when we woke up, it was almost a feeling of disbelief.  It feels as if time has given us a ride and won't slow down.

Sixteen years ago, at 8:36am in Naples, Italy I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy.  Zachary you were the first of so many things for your Dad and I......and you brought us both love like we had never known or could imagine.

To recap, we were stationed in Vicenza, Italy and drove to the Navy's "Stork Nest" almost two weeks before you were born. Back then, the Italians really didn't believe in pain control during birth, and so Military were given the option to go to the storks nest and birth at the American Naval Hospital.  This was interesting, considering the hospital was located by Mt. Vesuvious, and there were little eruptions happening all the time.  It is no longer there, but wow, what a place to have you.

After almost two weeks, your Dad and I were getting restless there.  We decided to go eat at an Italian pizzeria that was said to have the spiciest pepperoni pizza around.  We ate there, and it was so good!  We then walked back up the hill to our Storks nest, smelling the sulfer from the volcano. It was quite a hike, but at this point I was trying anything to get you out!

That night, at midnight, I went into labor by throwing up that yummy pizza.....and you came 8.5 hours later.

6 months pregnant, you are almost here!
I remember holding you like it was a millasecond ago, and even though we have lived this life together, I can't imagine how we got here so quickly.  Looking back at pictures, and only have so many in a photo album here with me in Germany, my plan was to pick 16 favorites. But I couldn't, because each one I remember like it happened today, and each one makes me smile, and tear up at the same time.

Your finally here!
Your Dad was just in amazement and so proud!

Happy 16th Birthday Zachary, you will always be our "bubbie", looking back at these pictures you are the "first" of so many experiences in our lives, and I thank God everyday I was blessed with you as my first.  I hope that you will always be happy and content in this life, and every year I will cherish this day even more as I watch you grow into a great young man!


Happy 16th Birthday hanging out in the basement with friends!

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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Happy me!

Today was my birthday and anyone who knows me KNOWS I do not like it "known" on that day.  I am very content just going on with my day as usual, and used to be so embarrassed opening gifts in front of people.  Weird, huh..... I much rather shower everyone I love on their birthdays, than be showered on mine!

Because of that, I told the fam that on my birthday, I wanted to go to a Pilgrimage that one of the Catholic services was doing on Saturday.  They were going to St. Hildegard, in Rudesheim, Germany.   As most Saints are, she was chastised her entire life for her "gifts".  Her gift was that she often could sense and see things in the future, but they were often words and acts from God. That is about all I have on the history lesson..... All I know is that these special places are in my heart, a day spent with my family and we had a special Mass in the Abby church.

This area is beautiful, and even though it was winter, it is definitely one of our new favorite places to go on Sundays.  Just about an hour and half away from us, I can't wait to go back in the spring when everything is green, walk along the river and visit the Abbey where the Nun's run the vineyard!

A bit about our trip, we had to put our car on a ferry to cross the Rhine river, and the little town reminded me of a boardwalk.

The Fam on the ferry, and yes, Zachary never takes off the beanie these days.

The view from the ferry and why I can't wait to go back this spring, I bet it is breathtaking with the green vineyards against the water.

 Even though it was winter and nothing had growth, it was just so beautiful!
 Just so sweet, will you stay this way forever?

 This picture was a goofy pic because Zach and Eric were trying to out "GQ" each other, not sure who won?
 I can't ever help taking pictures of doors, sooo symbolic of life, always opening and closing.
 From the Abbey overlooking the town of Rudesheim

 St. Hildegard of Bingen

 Best buddies always.....
I love the rawness of this picture, soon it will be green and full of life.  And let me tell you, the wine was wonderful!

I saved the best picture for last.....Avery (with very little help from me or Eric, other than the stove and mixer) decorated this carrot cake for me.  She loves to cook, and she is a little sponge in the kitchen.  She loves to decorate cakes, and I try to teach her as much as her little heart can hold.  I hope she always cherishes cooking, because I will always cherish her and the things she does for her Mommy.

It was the best birthday.....

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