Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

This morning when we woke up, it was almost a feeling of disbelief.  It feels as if time has given us a ride and won't slow down.

Sixteen years ago, at 8:36am in Naples, Italy I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy.  Zachary you were the first of so many things for your Dad and I......and you brought us both love like we had never known or could imagine.

To recap, we were stationed in Vicenza, Italy and drove to the Navy's "Stork Nest" almost two weeks before you were born. Back then, the Italians really didn't believe in pain control during birth, and so Military were given the option to go to the storks nest and birth at the American Naval Hospital.  This was interesting, considering the hospital was located by Mt. Vesuvious, and there were little eruptions happening all the time.  It is no longer there, but wow, what a place to have you.

After almost two weeks, your Dad and I were getting restless there.  We decided to go eat at an Italian pizzeria that was said to have the spiciest pepperoni pizza around.  We ate there, and it was so good!  We then walked back up the hill to our Storks nest, smelling the sulfer from the volcano. It was quite a hike, but at this point I was trying anything to get you out!

That night, at midnight, I went into labor by throwing up that yummy pizza.....and you came 8.5 hours later.

6 months pregnant, you are almost here!
I remember holding you like it was a millasecond ago, and even though we have lived this life together, I can't imagine how we got here so quickly.  Looking back at pictures, and only have so many in a photo album here with me in Germany, my plan was to pick 16 favorites. But I couldn't, because each one I remember like it happened today, and each one makes me smile, and tear up at the same time.

Your finally here!
Your Dad was just in amazement and so proud!

Happy 16th Birthday Zachary, you will always be our "bubbie", looking back at these pictures you are the "first" of so many experiences in our lives, and I thank God everyday I was blessed with you as my first.  I hope that you will always be happy and content in this life, and every year I will cherish this day even more as I watch you grow into a great young man!


Happy 16th Birthday hanging out in the basement with friends!

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  1. Happy birthday Zachary.. You were the cutest baby ever, the cutest toddler and the most handsome teen! choked me up seeing these pictures of you when you were so little,and now your so grown up.. It's hard to believe how fast it's gone by.. I hope your day was perfect...
    we love you :o)
    Gma and Gpa Challender

  2. Way to make me cry Ronda. Beautiful post to your first born. March 16th seems to put out great men. :)

  3. Ok, I am officialy crying... so proud of the man you have become. A very Happy Birthday to you, Zachary! We love you! Gramma and G'pa Brown
