Saturday, March 9, 2013

Happy me!

Today was my birthday and anyone who knows me KNOWS I do not like it "known" on that day.  I am very content just going on with my day as usual, and used to be so embarrassed opening gifts in front of people.  Weird, huh..... I much rather shower everyone I love on their birthdays, than be showered on mine!

Because of that, I told the fam that on my birthday, I wanted to go to a Pilgrimage that one of the Catholic services was doing on Saturday.  They were going to St. Hildegard, in Rudesheim, Germany.   As most Saints are, she was chastised her entire life for her "gifts".  Her gift was that she often could sense and see things in the future, but they were often words and acts from God. That is about all I have on the history lesson..... All I know is that these special places are in my heart, a day spent with my family and we had a special Mass in the Abby church.

This area is beautiful, and even though it was winter, it is definitely one of our new favorite places to go on Sundays.  Just about an hour and half away from us, I can't wait to go back in the spring when everything is green, walk along the river and visit the Abbey where the Nun's run the vineyard!

A bit about our trip, we had to put our car on a ferry to cross the Rhine river, and the little town reminded me of a boardwalk.

The Fam on the ferry, and yes, Zachary never takes off the beanie these days.

The view from the ferry and why I can't wait to go back this spring, I bet it is breathtaking with the green vineyards against the water.

 Even though it was winter and nothing had growth, it was just so beautiful!
 Just so sweet, will you stay this way forever?

 This picture was a goofy pic because Zach and Eric were trying to out "GQ" each other, not sure who won?
 I can't ever help taking pictures of doors, sooo symbolic of life, always opening and closing.
 From the Abbey overlooking the town of Rudesheim

 St. Hildegard of Bingen

 Best buddies always.....
I love the rawness of this picture, soon it will be green and full of life.  And let me tell you, the wine was wonderful!

I saved the best picture for last.....Avery (with very little help from me or Eric, other than the stove and mixer) decorated this carrot cake for me.  She loves to cook, and she is a little sponge in the kitchen.  She loves to decorate cakes, and I try to teach her as much as her little heart can hold.  I hope she always cherishes cooking, because I will always cherish her and the things she does for her Mommy.

It was the best birthday.....

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  1. It looks like you had a very happy birthday! Well deserved! The cake looks delicious! She is well on her way! Also a Big Happy Birthday to the new 16 year old, Zachary! Woo! The card is coming, a bit late, but much love to you all...

  2. I'm glad you had such a nice day Ronda.. It's hard to believe that Zachary is 16, but even harder to believe you are forty!! Love the pictures taken on your birthday and the ones you added to Zach's birthday page.. You and Eric look soooo young in those pictures!! Love the GQ picture.. Kind of looks like a before and after picture taken and spliced together.. The two of them look so much alike!!
