Monday, January 7, 2013

If ya had a chaunce ta change yer fait, WUDJER?

For those of you who have never seen the movie, BRAVE, Merida is an Irish girl with a thick accent.

She has crazy red hair and a fearless heart, and a genuine sweetness.  One of the catch lines from the movie is "If ya had a chaunce ta change yer fait, WUDJER?"

Avery just LOVES this movie, and no surprise, this is the theme she wants for her 10th Birthday party.

I LOVE what this movie teaches.....Girls it is ok to be who you are and not be a girly girl, but rather a well rounded girl. It also teaches them about making choices and how those choices can affect their lives and the ones they love.

Being the little sister of two brothers inadvertently steers you away from being a girl interested in typical girl things, and I am lucky these days if I can keep Avery from taking out her earrings, wearing a dress to Church, or putting anything on but her purple converse shoes and jeans.

I love that she has picked this theme for her birthday, it fits her perfectly!  And if you haven't seen the movie, you should, it is not just for kids!

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