Sunday, January 6, 2013

Kinder Gluhwein

This post is a little late, but I somehow "lost" my IPhone pics of our trip to the Christmas Market this year.  Luckily, I found them in some crazy download folder on my computer. I have way too many pictures, possibly enough to make a person go mad! This may be a sign that some re-organization of photos is necessary, note to self.....

Anyways.....we took the kids to the Christmas Market in Kaiserslautern this year.  Eric and I loved liked the spiced wine that is served warm, called Gluhwein. It isn't something you could or would drink all the time, but it fits perfectly with the Christmas season, the smell of "market" food, vendors selling their unique fare and that whole little "village" theme the German's pull off so well.  Think of warm apple cider, with a cinnamon kick and the deepness of red wine.... well, maybe it is the charm of the market, being with your sweetie, or possibly the wine that influences your taste buds into thinking its good, but we liked it enough?

Here is a picture of Nicky, sipping on the Kinder Gluhwein, an non-alcoholic version.
They brownfamthree ( kids) were not impressed!

OK....I admit it.... this picture is staged! 
Not one of them had ANY interest in drinking it, and I had to gulp it down to return the cup. I really can't say I blamed them, it tasted like...
 warm grape juice with cinnamon overkill.

The deal with the cup is that you purchase the wine for a Euro, you also pay a 2 Euro deposit for the cup.  You get this deposit back when you return the cup, or you keep the cup and they keep the Euro.

Many Americans keep these babies as knick-knacks, memoirs, dust catchers, etc..... however I know my family WAY  too well.  This cup would eventually end up on the garage sale table for 25 cents, and as charming as they are at the Market, not so much in my organized mug cupboard.

But, I was a good Mother and asked "brownfamthree" if any of them wanted to keep the cup, possibly use it as a pen or change holder, and they didn't blink, there were no takers, completely un-interested!

That totally works for me, I would much rather have this cute picture, with the date on the cup and the memory that goes along with it (you know, how much they hated the taste of it).  I look forward to next years "knick-knack" picture!

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