Friday, January 11, 2013

An Old Favorite

Do you ever have one of those recipes that you LOVE, but make very little?

In a previous post I mentioned the German and Italian equivalent to Coca Cola, and how much better they are here.  We really need to visit the World of Coca Cola and ask what is different about the recipes.  I bet American Coke has alot more sugar (or corn syrup) and European coke has more fizz.  Just a hunch I have....

Anyways, we had grabbed a "Vanilla Coke" on our last trip to the Getrankemarkt.  Neither Eric or I really enjoyed the taste, it was odd tasting and very sweet.

So I decided to pull out a favorite recipe, Coca Cola Cake.

Love, love, love this recipe, and letting it sit at least a day makes it the yummiest chocolate cake ever! There are so many renditions of this cake, but this is one I love....

Sooo, I used up my Vanilla coke and the only problem I see with this cake are the mystery crumbs I keep finding all over the house.  One of the many joys of living with BOYS!  Happy Friday!

Coca Cola Cake

1/2 stick butter
6 oz chips
3 eggs
1 2/3 sugar
2/3 c oil
1 t vanilla
1 1/2 c coke
2 c AP flour
1/3 c cocoa
1 1/2 t powder
1/2 t soda
3/4 t salt

Preheat to 350.  Melt butter and chips, mix and let cool.  Cream eggs and sugar for a minute, mixing in oil and vanilla. Slowly add chocolate mixture, then Coke and blend until smooth.

Combine your dry ingredients, sifting into the wet and mix well.  Pour into a buttered 9x13, and bake 35-38 mins.

Top with your favorite fudge frosting, some like a glaze, I like to make a fudge frosting with coke as the liquid and lots of chopped pecans!

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