Saturday, May 3, 2014

Marksburg Castle

Today the family had a fun time visiting a local castle along the Rhine.

As the kids get older, it gets easier taking them on short trips where history is involved and they actually enjoy the fact telling.  The facts given at the Castle were really interesting and we had a nice spring day.

Bonus, Eric was able to knock out his next Quick trips as well, so this will be featured in next weeks paper!

Marksburg Castle (Marksbur am Rhein)

Exterior wall walking up to the Castle, this castle is the "only" castle along the Rhine that bears no damage and stands as it was built

Beautiful view of the Rhine river, this region is very popular for the Castles and rows of vineyards

Kids thought this mini window was humerous

Nelson came along too, and was very behaved walking thru the castle, he got a little jumpy in the cellar, not sure why!

Germans love to add a little "bier garten" to any site.

Exterior entrance

Nic listening to the guide explain the family crests on the wall

Outside the castle was lined with medicinal gardens, and this was the end of one of them

Watch tower

Unbelievable that Nic is almost as tall as Zachary these days

One view of the medicinal garden

This was all the way around the castle and overlooked the Rhine river, breathtaking views!

This was their Master bedroom toilet, yep, it just dumped out the hole into the gardens

Always interested in kitchens, and this was actually considered a "grand" kitchen in those times

Considered "grand" mostly due to this old age refridgerator, that was kept cool by ice blocks preserved in caves from the Rhine river in the winter

Dish sink that drained right outside

We are substantially taller these days, this was a "normal" doorway

So unique

This is that "Master Bath" that dumped in the gardens below

A picture of the common area

Avery's favorite, a gigantic loom

Once the story is published in next weeks edition, I will put Eric's article here so you can read about a few more interesting tidbits.

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1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures of the castle! And I love the new profile picture of the Brown Fam Five! Such a good looking group. :) Thanks for sharing your travels with us, we really enjoy the things you post. :)
