Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day

We had a wonderful time in St. Avold, France at the Lorraine American Cemetery. It was very special to take part in honoring our veterans! This cemetery holds more than 10,000 American men who died during WWII. It is sobering to stand there, listen to the birds chirping and just "be" part of the peacefulness here.

General Patton is buried up the road in Luxembourg.  His Granddaughter, Helen Patton was the key note speaker at Lorraine and it was a very heartfelt tribute to all of the men who gave their lives.

Memorial Day often gets lost in barbecues and lake seasons starting. I truly feel that if we do not teach our children what these men, and fellow Veterans after them have went thru, it will soon be lost.  I was so glad to share this with our children, and I know that they will always know what our Military has done for this country, to include their own Father.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh.. crosses as far as you can see.. How amazing for all of you to be there...
