Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Smile

Seeing that this is a family blog, I want to make sure to keep up with our newest edition and how fast he is growing!  He is almost 6 months! (does this mean puppy stage ending soon?)  In case you wondered, Nelson is a wire haired dachshund.  He is starting to look more and more like one each day with the little legs. When you brush his hair and smooth the curls, you can really see the dachshund in him (only with a beard).  I am kind of hoping he won't loose these little curls. If you look really close, he has one big strand of solid black right by his eye, he is marked so uniquely!

Eric's work camera was giving him some problems, so he wanted to test a few things outside in a rare second of sunlight and no rain! He captured this adorable pic of Nelson.  Eric rocks at taking these types of photo's!

In another strange Ronda moment, I could never figure out what I loved so much about Nelson's little face. Other than the obvious cuteness, there was just something about him.  I finally realized after seeing this photo that Nelson's eyes remind me of my Grandpa Walker. I know that is strange, but maybe its the beard with the eyes, I don't know, I just smile cause I think about him when I look at Nelson. (he may or may not appreciate that, lol)  I AM WIERD!

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