Tuesday, November 19, 2013


As I mentioned in a previous post, we took the kids to the Zugspitz while visiting Garmisch.

They have always wanted to do this, but had yet done it.  And after yet another PCS move, and realizing that we have the most awesome kids on the earth for just rolling with the punches, we wanted to just simply surprise them with something that would make them smile.

So, we took them out of school early, and all of them were seriously questioning what was going on?  By the time we got to Garmisch, their excitement was overflowing because we were actually going to go to the top of the Zugspitz!!!

The following is a sequence of photos from that day. The pictures really do not even show how cool of an experience it truly was!

I thought this was funny, you get this little bag of  gummy bears with your train ticket up to the Zugspitz

Nic and Avery as we start up the mountain

This is a picture from the back of the train car going up the mountain

Suddenly, you look over and see this beauty out the window!

They stop and let you take a photo at this point.

Avery took of Daddy (see the mountain lake behind, that is Lake Eibsee, where we have taken lots of photos)

Daddy capturing Avery!

Double Zachary watching the informative video
Nicky looking cool and Eric capturing the photo out the back window
Finally, you arrive at the top and it looks like a train station.

When you walk outside, it is cold and windy.  This is fresh mountain water!

After you walk around on the base, you move to the next cable car, that takes you truly to the top of the Zugspitz.  It was amazing how baren it was up there.

Avery a little nervous as the cart swayed in the wind.

A cart passed by us as going back to the base as we were going up the to the tip!

This is the highest point. We did not have all the hiking gear on you needed to go up to this point, but see how you can clearly see the cross?

And the clouds moved so quickly, it was covered. It was really like being in the clouds!

Zachary spent most of his time taking photos

Nicky looking at all the different countries you can see from the top. The machine has arrows and shows you where the country borderlines are.

Love this picture!  They are "really" on cloud nine, or rather "in" it

Eric watching how fast the clouds were moving, that was the coolest thing to me. I have never seen clouds soar so fast across the sky.  (notice the goofballs in the background and yes those are Nickys 5 toe shoes that normally he is banned from wearing in public, lol)

Avery noticed the biggest pretzel in the world and she is ordering it with a little German

Claiming it for her own

Then Nicky cracked some kind of joke I am sure.  Notice the unibomber, oh that is Zachary!  That was a family joke that he resembled the unibomber walking around that day with his hood up.

Eric loves the German beer "Hellus"  made in this region, which is a light beer and really nothing like American beer

Our view again of Lake Eibsee as we came down on the cable cars

Eric and I look so tired after all the chaotic moving (umm, thats why it is sepia tone), and a realization that we take crappy "selfies" lol

A little nerve wracking coming back down because the cable cars scoot.  Poor Avery's ears started popping and she started crying, I am giving her water to drink, gum, cough drops, and nothing is working.

Finally we are down from the Zugspitz, a great day, minus Avery's ears!

Looking back up, we just came down that on the cable cars!

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  1. Another set of great pics!! But not enough of you Ronda! ly guys...

  2. You people are insane.haha There's no way I could go way up there in a railcar. Great photos...but scary to those of us who are a bit afraid of heights! Although..that Pretzel looked pretty tasty..might be worth the fright.:)
