Maybe some of you are unaware of the current firestorm the below article caused? It is a pretty big deal because in a nutshell, our Commissary benefits are pretty close to be taken away. And what is even more disturbing, is that uninformed writers, like this guy, just seem to stir the pot with articles that paint these benefits as luxuries to the Military. See Here: Commissary
I would like to address it some, because I can not tell you how many sacrifices my family has made over the last 21 years for our Country. Do I want anyone to feel sorry for me, or do I want to feel entitled? Please, absolutely NOT. This is our choice, our way of life, and Eric wears his uniform proudly, we do not need empathy.
BUT, like many in the Military, I have spent "YEARS" of my life waiting for my Solider to come home from a war zone. I have raised our children alone, often carrying the world on my shoulders. As well, Eric has spent "YEARS" of his life, deployed to a war zone, knowing he may not come home. Missing years, days and minutes from his children's lives that no amount of benefits can give him back.
Military families often put things on hold, like house ownership and equity, damaging our household goods with multiple moves, mileage on our vehicles, all things that depreciate because we do serve and we do move around.
Do you know what that is called? It is called "SACRIFICE".
While I understand that this country is economically hurting, and that cuts have to be made everywhere, I do not believe that cuts should come from our Military. They can pitch it however they want, but the bottom line is, our country asks ALOT from us, and we sacrifice alot. From Military kids, to the spouses, and mostly the Soldiers, every part of our lives are dictated by the Military because we choose to serve. We continually sacrifice things seen and unseen for our country. So, this article launched a firestorm for sure.
This writer thinks that we are spoiled because our commissaries dare offer a multiple choice in Ketchup and condiments? REALLY? Did he actually put that in print?
Just so you know Mr. Writer, those commissaries, they were part of a package deal when Eric signed the dotted line. It was a benefit afforded to us... and peeps like you think you can just take it away because you claim we are spoiled?
Hmm, its funny, Eric doesn't remember you busting your butt thru boot camp, or standing Guard Duty for 16 hrs after 9/11. He doesn't even recall you being in the "sand" with him one of the FIVE times he deployed. Were you also deployed skyping during your children's birthday parties? Or better yet, did you just simply loose time out of your life protecting your country so ignorant people can attack your well deserved benefits?
If you don't think that the Military deserves commissaries to shop at that carry more than one product, than lets take a closer look at your right to pen your ill-informed article.
Oh wait, that would be a breach of your freedoms wouldn't it? It's funny how you feel you can take away our well deserved benefits and that is fair game. I mean, after all, after 12 years at war, why in the world should our Military expect to have more than one brand of ketchup? We are so spoiled, your article has clearly proven that.
Why don't you use that pen of yours and sign yourself up to serve your country, then we will see how quickly you change your mind on how deserving the Military is, ketchup choices and all.
After I wrote this, I came across this story. It is absolutely heartbreaking, and I feel that this picture alone speaks volumes to anything I said about our Military and the sacrifices they make.
See it here:
All I can say about that article is that the author very obviously doesn't have any military family members or friends, or he would know what kind of sacrifice military families give to this country and that the commissary is one of the very few benefits military personal receives.
ReplyDeleteYour article is well written and I only hope the author of that article finds his way to your blog some day!
WELL SAID RONDA!! What they are trying to do to the military will end the force we have today protecting us. If you don't want to give so called "bennies" to our military personnel, then here's an idea. Get rid of the All Volunteer force which gives us quality men and women who WANT to serve and protect and go back to the draft. You don't have to give "bennies" to those you force to serve. Let's see what kind of quality force we have then.
ReplyDeleteThis writer angers me so much. SOO Ill informed!In the cuts of the 90's they kept talking about health care (which I know is no longer what it once was for families) and the Exchange benefits. It got dropped then, hopefully it will be dropped again. It IS an important benefit. If nothing else, it allows military to shop with military. When we drive to the Commissary on Fort Ben in Indy, it's just a different atmosphere. Frank always says, "Ahhhh we're among our own kind".haha It's a kinder, more trusting atmosphere. It's not just the savings, which are not always that much, it's a BENEFIT we who served were guaranteed when we signed up. As you said, when Eric signed on the dotted line, they made promises, he made promises. He's kept his promises and then some, they need to keep theirs.
You wrote it all out very well!
I LOVE this Blog! It really brings out the real meaning of our family!