Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My Little Techies

You might remember when I highlighted a few months ago what the kids have been up to lately.  While there is always something going on, Nicky and Avery have a constant conversation about new ideas for their Minecraft "server" and how to bring them to life.

Yes, Nicky has created a server in which his buddies all get on and they can play together.  I should have known it wouldn't take long for him to start creating videos. Creating, coding, video editing, all things Nicky loves to do. This is the kid that makes mini movies with our huge Sony Camcorder using tapes!

Avery was so excited when they finally started to record in her room. We moved one of our computers up in her room (with Net Nanny on it of course) and they would yell down the stairs, "Mommy, quiet OK because we recording".  Then I would hear excited laughing and Nicky saying, "Avery, do you like this song, this font, what about if we phase in".

The below video is completely made by Nicky and Avery. I could not tell you how they did any of this! They built the Minecraft house, the character, Avery wore mic headphones and Nicky used his video skills he learned in a class this year, and they found a song and added it.

I told them I would post a video if it was about two minutes long, and this is what they came up with. Pretty creative kiddos! Make sure you make it full screen to see how cool it is!

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  1. Impressive!!! How did you do that? You guys are amazing :o)
    love yas....gma and gpa

  2. Fantastic!! That was really well done, very creative. Nicky is a great director..how the heck he knows how to do that??? And the star of the film did terrific.
    Gosh...why would they choose making a cake for their film?haha Really great job guys!
