Monday, April 29, 2013


I am currently taking three classes towards my BA. It is a work in progress, and I have to admit it is sometimes a struggle to be "everything"... mom, wife, cook, groceries, laundry, homework, projects, taxi and student...oh, and sleep:)  

I much more enjoyed Le Cordon Bleu classes, and will finish those hands on classes when Eric retires and we return home.  But for now, I find myself planning ahead, and knocking out this BA is part of my plan to own my storefront, to educate myself as much as I can to be a successful businesswoman.

That being said, I had "ONE" elective left that I could take. I choose a photography class. I really thought I wanted to learn the technical basics.

Considering I am drowning in marketing/business management terms/research papers right now, I thought this class would be a creative outlet.

I have one week left in this class, I am not sure I have learned all that I wanted to. It really depends on the Professor you have. My teacher is slightly lacking in creativity and much more technical (my opinion only, I am sure he doesn't feel this way). I am more of a creative person and have always enjoyed taking photos of the kids, trips, etc. Most of our pictures documenting our lives are photos I have taken.

However, as I have always loved taking all those photos on a whim, the technical aspect of taking pictures really has me sighing with extreme boredom. This means setting your camera settings FIRST and then taking the picture. So...professional photographer (technically) I will never be.  Creative photographer, ahem! I much prefer the taking the picture on a whim and adjusting accordingly.

This technical jarga, so totally taking the fun out of it for me!

This week Eric was my model.  I needed to capture a subject, in a portrait setting, light adjusted, etc. Crisp and clean.

This picture so captures Eric's expression of when he "is over something".  In this case, it was being my picture model!

Particularly after he noticed the German neighbor watching...  Hand gesture, eyebrow squint, "OK, lets wrap this up Ronda" being mumbled, SNAP!  Got it! Captured him just as he is:) This expression is classic.

Love... this... guy! 

Below are some of the other photos that turned out well, but in the end I choose this classic above!

Here are some of my other "technical" photos I have maybe not so much enjoyed taking?

Because it has been raining, I originally used Zachary as a portrait earlier in the week. He often comes down stairs , book in hand, wearing glasses (even though he doesn't actually wear glasses). He inherited this "hair" from my Dad, and when my Dad takes off his ball cap, his hair usually looks like this as well.  Zachary was going for the "crazy Einstein look" but the lighting just wasn't working for my project assignment. It is still a hilarious photo.  He often looks crazy like this to get a rise and a good laugh from us all.

Landscape Photo

Focal Length Photo
Really low shutter speed to capture snowball

Slow shutter speed to capture motion

Original selected for gallery work ...even though this was not taken for this class, it is still one of my all time favorite photos that I have taken of Avery, she looks like an angel and captured how special her First Communion was.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


Today Zachary had his first track meet. All week it has been so nice, our heat off, windows open, even getting into the high 60's. It has been a welcome relief to the cold, cold winter.  It was almost as nice as Georgia!

We were loving it and then... we woke up last night to rain, and this morning it was so cold again. Only 40 degrees, cold and wet.

Zachary joined track and made the mid distance team in March. For those you who don't know mid-distance, there are 4 boys and they each run a fast lap around the track, handing off the "stick" to the next runner.  Yelling RUN....and then STICK as they hand it off.

I am standing on the track sidelines and as he blows past me, Eric yelling "GO,GO,GO, there you go Zachary" I can't control my eyes welling up.  I have went thru this with all the kids at different times. But it seems worse now, now that Zachary's run is so close to adulthood.

I know, I am a big baby, and way, way to sentimental. But, in my defense, it truly touches my heart so deep to see my child succeed, but also to see the pride in Eric's eyes, the love he has for his first born son.  I can't help remember all the "firsts" of Zachary's life and smile, how I have treasured every single one them. I know it is just track... but in a way its not.

In a metaphorical way, it is just the beginning of Zachary's run in life. Everything I hope for him, all the fears I have for him, every prayer I say for him, those are all in the tears welling in my eyes as he is running towards his life, towards all the wonderful things it has in store for him.

HE..DID...GREAT ... all the worrying he did of handing off the stick correctly because he is left handed, running fast enough for his team in his run, his worries of dropping the stick... were unfounded.  He hauled bootie and Eric was just so blown away at how fast Zachary runs. Can you see it in his face below in the 2nd pic?

If this brought tears to my eyes, what will graduations, weddings and babies be like? I guess I will be keeping Kleenex in business...

But to my first born....

I hope you keep running in life, following your dreams and being all God has graced you to be every day.  Dad and I will always be cheering on the sidelines...anytime you needs us...probably with a tissue in my hand.

Warm ups

Hand off of the stick

Around the first bend

Home stretch

Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Daddy

Happy Birthday to the best Hubby and Daddy!

We are so glad you are home again with us, that we are all together and we love you!  So many birthday's have been spent apart while deployed!

Avery and I made a German Chocolate cake that was ....


love, love, love homemade German Chocolate cake.  This is Eric's favorite and we usually only have it on his birthday because it is just that bad for us!

We also incorporated Nicky's birthday with Eric's, because we were stateside when Nicky celebrated his birthday. We enjoyed a blizzard birthday cake from Dairy Queen on his bday, but thought it would be nice to add his name to the cake too.

Trying to get a picture of these two goofballs was nearly impossible...Our dinner table is usually like a circus with everyone talking, laughing and very chaotic.  This is in our German kitchen, and we have a corner table with benches. Everyone is compact and it gets pretty crazy where I am usually pulling my hair out.

For an example, this is the third lighting of the candle because each time I lit it, one of them blew it out. I would pick up the camera, and the candle would not be lit.  They were conspiring.

So this is as good as the pictures get, glad I atleast got this one as Eric is contemplating blowing it out a third time, see that sinister smile?

(as an update, Eric wanted me to add this other photo. The last one was a little unflattering, but only because they were goofing around being silly)  So here is an updated photo, but Nicky is not cracking up in it like he was in the other one!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thought for the day....

I read this on another blog that I read daily  and thought about how true this is.  Our children hold the key to our legacy, we help guide them, but we also lay the foundation they build upon. This should be the most important relationship in your lifetime.  In my opinion, It is lost in the world today, being overshadowed by the world of "me".

Eric and I continue to put our children first in our lives, sacrificing things along the way... we will get around to those things someday.  Sooner than later, we know our children will start their own journey's and what I hope they take with them is the message of love... how much we truly love them and always will.

There is nothing in this world that would ever make us love you less, question your intentions, or believe our individual lives are more important than you, OUR living gift from God.  All three of you complete the circle God intended for us...our family.  Because before you, our lives were not complete.

As my Grandpa was a man of few words growing up, he has surprised me so many times visiting them when he has said the following.  With a "hmmphh" and a smile, he says  "It will go by quick, you won't even know where the time went".  Wisdom from a pure heart!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


When things happen in our life, Eric and I tend to roll with the punches. Believe me, it isn't always easy to do that, but our life has been somewhat filled with unknowns due to being Active Duty.  I guess in a way this has prepared us to take disappointments in stride, and try to do the best we can.

So, last summer when the denial of retirement happened, so many things went thru our heads and there were so many situations to take care of and work out. We had just started painting the house, and we were only half way thru. We had many projects that we had to stop before they were completed. But we decided to trust that God knew best and we made a list of things we would need to do each time we came back.

So, when we went back this time we knocked one of those items out (almost).  There is always an "almost" because time is never on our side!  We also saw family and friends, sat in our Church and felt so at home, listened to the beautiful music and let our souls truly be refreshed.

Before I say anything else, I do want to say that this post is "not" about material things. Yes, this is a house made of wood and stucco, but it is soooo not about the physical nature of the house.  Anyone who knows how we were lead to this house, the significance of the address, the people who we were blessed to know along the way, simply just part of God's plan for my family.

He gave us awesome neighbors who email us and help us out by watching over the house. They take time out of their day to email and keep us up to date whenever anything occurs, and never make us feel like it is a burden to them.

Thanks to the Martinelli family, Mark finished painting our house for us and it looks beautiful, so beautiful!!  As mentioned, we literally had to stop in the middle of painting last summer to move.  He did such a wonderful job and we are so blessed to know them! . We thank you Mark, Vi and Sean for your friendship and always wanting to help us.

And finally, a beautiful friend takes time out of her life to check up on the house often and send us updates, always willing to help no matter what.

All these people God put in our path, and took the stress away in what could have been a very crazy situation.  We are so grateful and thankful!

While we were back, we were able to check one thing of our list and stain our deck and almost finished completely.  Doesn't it just look like a little section left to do?  We just simply ran out of time!  Add in the rain, and time just wasn't on our side. But... it still looks awesome and it feels good to progress.

We chopped down six trees that hid this deck and our entire family worked together to get this area cleared out, as always our kids jumped in and helped because we are brownfamfive! With very minimal moans and groans, we all pulled together and got it done! Thank you to our beautiful kids for always just being you and helping us whenever we need you to.

So this post is to all of those wonderful people in our life who continually support us and let God's light shine thru them, we are ever thankful for you!

** Project:"REFRESHED" couldn't be more true for us**