Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Charles Bridge, Prague

One of the main tourist attractions is The Charles Bridge.  This bridge connects the two sides of the city, and was once known as the "stone bridge" but was reconstructed by a Holy Roman Emperor, King Charles IV in 1357.  The bridge previously was erected in 1172 (oh my goodness) and was flooded many times before falling.

An interesting fact, it is said that when this was re-built in 1357, they included egg yolks in the mortar. It must of worked, because it is still standing thru floods, the last being  in 2002!

Ok, the cool facts stop there.....I am not a history buff, and really, all of the places we have went in Europe could only tell you maybe a few facts about each place.  I usually leave the history up to Zach and Eric, because both of them relish in "facts" and could tell you a million things about Prague.

Anyone else trying to wrap their head around 1357?

There is so much history on this bridge, from the bell tower to the Baroque statues that line the bridge as you walk across it, and the stories they represent.  The bridge now is just for pedestrians and is lined with artists and their goods.  Also, it is a place where the starving hope to get some coins.

Here are a few pictures, I have tried to include mostly pictures with my family because I really don't enjoy looking at scenery pictures myself, if I have never been there.
Street art adorns the bridge, and this guy was very talented.  The Bridge and tower in charcoal.
Here is a picture of St. Charles Bridge from the street
It was so hard to get a picture here, but this is the tower prior to walking across.

Still amazed by the architecture in 1357.  On the top of the tower, was a small chapel.

This picture doesn't really capture the view, these seagulls where everywhere off the bridge.

Zachary and Avery on the bridge, Zachary carried his backpack this way
because the area is known for pocket thieves.

One of the saddest things in Prague was seeing the homeless on the bridge, and none of them would look
up, they all stayed down as he is doing.  Avery used her coins to drop in his hat, and everyone started giving
him some after she did. I guess the site of a little girl giving gets people to give it up.  
One of the Baroque statues that replicate actual statues in Prague.
A funny note about Nicky, notice in every picture his coat is velcroed
wrong, lol.  He seriously is such a boy, he could of cared less.

This picture of Zachary reminds me so much of a picture of Eric and Gary when
he was this age.  If I have it digitally saved, I will put it on here.  Eric is smiling the
exact same way.

It is said to say a prayer while holding the gold, and your prayer will be granted.

Avery's heart is one of her best qualities, and she prayed for the man with no food.
At the end of the bridge, it is a free full all for street performers and mimes, and I took a picture of
this guy because he seriously creeped me out.  He looked right at me as I took the picture.

Lenten Laundry -  I am currently re-working our laundry system and will post on this soon!

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