Friday, December 28, 2012

Prayers needed

This morning I woke up to horrible news....I ask all of you who read my blog to pray deeply for this family.

Abby was in the 2nd grade prep class that I co-taught with my good friend Natalie.  My other good friend Stacy's daughter was also in this class, as well as Avery.  Abby's Mom taught kindergarten prep across the hall, and Abby was such a sweet and polite little girl.  All of  our girls took their First Communion that year.

Please pray for her Mother, and their family.  She has lost her beautiful daughter and her husband is deeply injured in ICU.  I can not tell you how many times my family alone has driven on this same road, where the accident occurred on Saturday.  IT IS ABSOLUTELY HEARTBREAKING.  No words can even attempt to matter at this time, but please pray for them.

God Bless Abigail Bacho, she is truly an angel now.

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