Friday, December 28, 2012

Prayers needed

This morning I woke up to horrible news....I ask all of you who read my blog to pray deeply for this family.

Abby was in the 2nd grade prep class that I co-taught with my good friend Natalie.  My other good friend Stacy's daughter was also in this class, as well as Avery.  Abby's Mom taught kindergarten prep across the hall, and Abby was such a sweet and polite little girl.  All of  our girls took their First Communion that year.

Please pray for her Mother, and their family.  She has lost her beautiful daughter and her husband is deeply injured in ICU.  I can not tell you how many times my family alone has driven on this same road, where the accident occurred on Saturday.  IT IS ABSOLUTELY HEARTBREAKING.  No words can even attempt to matter at this time, but please pray for them.

God Bless Abigail Bacho, she is truly an angel now.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas!

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Avery visiting with Santa.....

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Avery started working on this two weeks before Christmas.  We rolled, baked and constructed our own little gingerbread house.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Peace be with you

I haven't posted since last week because I honestly feel guilty in doing so.  As we prepare for Christmas and I kissed my children goodbye for school today, these families are only wiping away tears and feeling immense grief for what has been taken from them.  NO one will ever understand why?

This aches at my heart, I feel so much tremendous hurt and pain for the families, and words simply can not express how badly I feel for them.

Please use the link to right to light a candle for these families, or start your own candles.

Today, as my heart feels so heavy reading about the victims, I want to remember these things in my life:

*I want to remember Zachary's hugs, getting fewer by the day, reminding me he is getting ever so close to not being my baby anymore
* I want to remember Nicky's sly move dances, and his funny voices that make me laugh so hard
*I want to remember Avery snuggling, and giving hugs and kisses for no reason at all, just always being close
*I want to remember how lonely Christmas's have been when Eric has been deployed,and how much happiness I feel every time he walks in the door now that we are together
*I want to remember the times when we each fight or get angry with each other, only to be laughing soon after
*I want to remember kisses, hugs, jokes, laughs, tears and never forget them because time is leaving us behind
*I want to remember how heavy my heart is today that beautiful angels were taken from this earth so cruelly
*I want to remember never to take any of this for granted, to contemplate every choice I make, remembering these things that are gifts in my life and never sacrifice the love that God has given me.

God bless all of the victims from the smallest souls to the biggest courageous hearts.

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Quick Trip

It was a quick trip back to the States.  We very much enjoyed seeing family friends, and even though it was  quick, it was a great trip.  We winterized the house, cleaned up the leaves and got the paint so the house can be finished being painted.  All things Eric and I were stressing about getting done, when we left in August.  The house was fine, thanks to many who are helping us monitor and maintain it!!

We made it back on an awesome 747 Delta flight from BWI Sat evening.  After driving to Baltimore all day, Zach, Avery and I were pretty much wiped by the time we returned the rental car and got into the Space A terminal.

We got called 10 mins after I signed in for the flight, and that was an AWESOME feeling.  It is always a gamble on whether we will get on or not, but it worked out great.  I have to say, this remains one of the best benefits of being in the Military.  We paid $48.00 for all three of us total, and had a very luxury flight on a double decker 747, with seat head movie monitors and  so nice and new.

Even though it felt very un-natural leaving Nicky and Eric back here, I knew I couldn't leave Eric with more than one child to take care of because of his work schedule.  Leaving Nicky was a great choice, they had a blast all week long.  Nicky said it was like a fun camping trip and I think it was a perfect chance for him, as the middle child, to get all of Daddy's attention.

Zachary was a great help with cleaning up the yard and house stuff, and I think he re-energized seeing his friends and going back to the halls of Mercy to say Hi to everyone.  Poor Avery, I think I may have shopped her to death. She was also glad to see her friends, but missed her buddy Nicky and Daddy.

As I return, Eric had to leave this morning for three days, and then Thursday we are having his Promotion luncheon.  His promotion sequence number finally came up and he was promoted Dec 1 to MSG.  This promotion is a long time coming, so much sweat, blood and tears, and deployments.  But this is a milestone in his career, only a few make it to the ranks of Master Sergeant and Sergeant Major.

I think most of you know that he was ready to retire, and that he didn't put his packet in to be considered for the MSG board. We very much feel that this was God leading us on the path that we need to be on....  He didn't validate his promotion packet to even be looked at, YET, he was still selected.  How? Some things remain a mystery for only God to know the answers!  And, ironically, his sequence number was 7, a number that is so important in the Bible.

I make a point of telling anyone this, so that all can know that God really does have our destiny in his hands.  We are a walking example. Still to this date, no explanation has been given on how Eric's packet was even looked at by the board.  In my heart, I know that God needed us to do this, for reasons still unseen by us, but trusting him is all we can do.

 I am so proud of him! We are having a Chili luncheon (because it is freezing here) and of course, I finally get to make him a Promotion cake.  So, it is already a busy, busy week.

PLUS, a bonus.  We get to put up our Christmas tree and light the Advent candles today.  I love having them lit during Christmas, representing Christ's light in our lives.  The smell of them burning brings such warmth to me and always reminds me of the true meaning of Christmas, even though we are a day late!