This aches at my heart, I feel so much tremendous hurt and pain for the families, and words simply can not express how badly I feel for them.
Please use the link to right to light a candle for these families, or start your own candles.
Today, as my heart feels so heavy reading about the victims, I want to remember these things in my life:
*I want to remember Zachary's hugs, getting fewer by the day, reminding me he is getting ever so close to not being my baby anymore
* I want to remember Nicky's sly move dances, and his funny voices that make me laugh so hard
*I want to remember Avery snuggling, and giving hugs and kisses for no reason at all, just always being close
*I want to remember how lonely Christmas's have been when Eric has been deployed,and how much happiness I feel every time he walks in the door now that we are together
*I want to remember the times when we each fight or get angry with each other, only to be laughing soon after
*I want to remember kisses, hugs, jokes, laughs, tears and never forget them because time is leaving us behind
*I want to remember how heavy my heart is today that beautiful angels were taken from this earth so cruelly
*I want to remember never to take any of this for granted, to contemplate every choice I make, remembering these things that are gifts in my life and never sacrifice the love that God has given me.
God bless all of the victims from the smallest souls to the biggest courageous hearts.
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