Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

This year, Thanksgiving was celebrated at our stateside house. Even though we were "back home" we had a long list of things we intended to get done.  To include, 25 trees coming down in our yard!

Out the front door, the yard was always full of leaves

Wow, we can actually see that house now! We intend to plant evergreen trees in the spring.

We still made time for Thanksgiving and I took five pictures. Not sure how that happened, I guess because I was cooking and baking and just grabbed the IPhone at the last minute. I put a picture of the turkey in here because I have to tell you, this turkey was the "best moist" turkey we have ever had. I used a Butterball fresh turkey, which are pricier but so worth it. I let it soak in a brine of broth,salt,carrot, celery, raisons, and vinegar.  Weird, right?  I glazed it with Organic Maple syrup and butter, and it was just so good!  New Thanksgiving turkey method!!!  This was just before carving and pulling out that yummy stuffing!

As the kids were getting antsy to eat, I sent them out to find something to decorate the table with. They did a great job bringing in all the fall foilage, it looks pretty good I think for just a yard collection!  Minus the spider that walked across the table while we were eating, it was a cool idea!

Saying our "thankfuls"

Plate number 1, of many

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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