Thursday, January 3, 2013

January = Sweet Cheeks

January to me is not only about new beginnings and fresh starts, but it also will always represent "Sweet Cheeks" to me.

When I was pregnant for Avery, I had high hopes she would come right after Christmas.  I wasn't sure I could make it another month of being pregnant and chasing around very active 3 and 6 year old boys.  I wanted to get thru Christmas for the boys, but desperately wanted Avery to come by the New Year
(you know, my need for new beginnings, fresh starts, and to be done with this pregnancy thing)

Well, looking back, it is a good thing she didn't show in December.  Nicky was sick that Christmas with a high fever, and Zachary was sick by New Years Eve, both with strep.  I seriously can not imagine if she had been born how crazy that would have been for all of us.

But now, as Christmas comes and goes, and the lag of the holiday cheer hits everyone, I feel so lucky because I jump into January knowing in three weeks, we will celebrate her birthday.  We soon get to plan her 10th birthday party, how did we get here?

If you can't tell by this picture, Avery was born with some pretty hefty cheeks.  She was one of the sweetest babies I could have imagined. When I look at this picture, I just melt......

She quickly earned her Daddy's nick-name as Sweet Cheeks, and I am so glad she is my January.

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  1. Avery looks just like you, Ronda, in this pic.. Bet I could find one of you at that age that would look just like her!

  2. That picture is just precious! Love those cheeks! Pretty soon she will be in the "double digits"!! My how time flies....
