Saturday, June 14, 2014

Yellow Belt

Nicky recently tested for his yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do.

He did a great job, and we do have this video below, but the phone messed up the video of the most exciting part! In this video he is breaking the red styro boards. After this, Master Seo brought out real plywood, and Nicky tried once, then twice and and on the third kick he broke the board!  He had never tried with real wood, and everyone clapped and cheered, it was so exciting. I am so bummed we lost the video, sometimes trusting your Iphone is just not the way to go!!!

We were so proud of him (and some of us were crying when he broke the plywood), my heart was breaking for him because he was soooooo nervous, he had messed up a couple of things prior to this and he knew it.

While the other girl who was doing her test, I saw Nicky put his hands together,  pray and bless himself. He proceeded to get up and do his final "Number 1" which is a combination of all the moves, and he did great!

He made his yellow belt and we are so proud of him. Master Seo had some really nice things to say about Nic's dedication, that even though he is so tall and long he still holds his form, and overall how happy he was that Nicky tested out.

They were judged by a SERIOUS black belt from Frankfurt, who spoke no English, but was very nice. Nic received an official passport with his certification and two certificates, plus the board he broke. It was a great lesson for him in dedication, moving past your fears and most importantly, GIVING IT TO GOD.  I have never been so proud when I saw him pray, and it really brought me to tears.

Congrats Nicky!

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Last day of School

We have reached the last day of school, hooray!

We also reached a milestone in our family, no more elementary students.

Avery is moving into Middle school, Nick will be a Freshman in High school and Zachary will be a Senior.

No pics were going to be taken of the High schoolers, that is so uncool!  But sweet cheeks doesn't mind at all.

Goodbyes were hard for Avery, she has already said goodbye to her two best friends, one who moved to Mississippi and one who moved to North Carolina. Her other two friends just got here this year, and it was hard to say good bye, but luckily these ladies are communicating via email and games each day.

Everyone is so glad the school year is over and look forward to moving home soon.  Right after the pictures were taken we went to the after school party  sponsored by the USO and had ice cream and cookies, and we won 2 tickets to Legoland.

Guess where we are going next week?

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